Friday, 1 November 2013

Beginning the modeling process

In another module, CMT 511, the lecturer has been teaching us how to use a 3D modeling software called "SketchUp". We followed many basic tutorials of how to use it during those lectures, and as extra curricular learning, some students followed the advanced tutorials in their own time.

I have chosen to use SketchUp rather than use Maya as I find that I am more familiar with the software which should reduce the time it takes to create my final model.

To start, I thought I would try and replicate Saul's Office in SketchUp to be able to have a 3D visual of it, which would then help me think of how I could create my own interpretation of the set. This is how far I got with making the original:

This is the basic shape of Saul's Office. He has the six pillars circled around the back wall of the office with bookshelves on either side. Whilst making this basic model, it made me more aware of how Saul likes things to be symmetrical and of equal value (e.g. six pillars, not five. Four windows, not three, etc.

As you can see, this model is nowhere near finished. The reason why I did not finish this is because I felt like I would be wasting time if I were to carry on.

Shortly after I made this decision, the group discussed all of their ideas and opinions in a group critique. I told the group why I decided to remake the original set before I began my own, and what ideas I had developed during the time of drawing it.

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